
Saturday Reading Club

Join Us for a Saturday Morning Reading on Life's Deeper TruthsDear Friends,We warmly invite you to join us on Saturday, October 12th, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM for a thought-provoking reading session at Bliss House Chiang Mai. This event will be held in a tranquil Lanna-style resort, the perfect setting to explore profound topics such as:Talents, Hobbies, and Personality Are Not InheritedFree Will and Pervasive SufferingHumans Are Deceived by...

Communication is not just an exchange of words,but a profound act of presence, empathy,and mindfulness.At our meeting, we will discuss how the principles of Buddhist philosophy can help develop the art of communication that leads to harmony, understanding, and compassionJoin us to explore the path toward more mindful and harmonious communication together!BLISS HOUSE CHIANGMAI18, 4 Soi Mu Ban Villa Wiang Phing, Suthep14TH, SEPTEMBER 10:00-12:00 /*! elementor - v3.23.0 - 05-08-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image...

Only With Wisdom Can We Face Everything Smilingly.Join us and start reflecting on life with us, opening your mind and heart to trueReading increases wisdom and empowers the mind.Gathering with virtuous friends fosters good deeds and accumulates merit.We welcome you to join our reading group.We read and discuss articles related to Buddhist wisdom together for deepening our understanding of the essence of Buddhism.Whether vou are a beginner in Buddhism or...